The Mad Monster (1942)

From IMDb : A mad scientist changes his simple-minded handyman into a werewolf in order to prove his supposedly crazy scientific theories – and exact revenge. Isn’t that always the way? Stars: Johnny Downs, George Zucco, Anne Nagel, and Glenn Strange T…

The Naked Witch (1961)

One of Larry Buchanan’s first films, so don’t expect the polish and complex character interactions of his later work, like “Mars Needs Women” or “Zontar, the Thing from Venus.”.This item has files of the following types: ASR, Animated GIF, Archive BitT…

The Prey

We follow Mel who has just quarreled with her boyfriend as she was coming back from a Halloween party. She finds herself alone in the dark and dangerous parts of the city … On suit Mel qui vient de se
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